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Abundance Consciousness Is Not What You Think It Is with Kiva Schuler

A fierce advocate of integrity, creativity and abundance in sales and marketing, Kiva is a leader in the field of women, money and business. She believes that entrepreneurial endeavors, particularly through online vehicles, are the key to self-reliance, flexibility and financial independence for women.

 She is a successful marketer in the field of online coaching and personal development, and has co-created and written campaigns for luminaries such as Fabienne Fredrickson, Gay Hendricks and Christopher Howard, and been the Co-Host of the World Business Executive Coaching Summit. Her entrepreneurial endeavors and keen marketing abilities have generated millions in sales online, but more importantly, have allowed transformational work to reach the people who need it in the areas of parenting, spirituality, health and wellness, finance and entrepreneurship.
Kiva is the founder of two conscious businesses… The Jai Institute for Parenting and The Heartfelt Business, which is a creative agency for Transformational Leaders.


This conversation went deep into the struggle many feel around money, worthiness and abundance consciousness. Kiva shared her rich story about leaving a high paying stock broker job and marriage in order to have the spiritual download that she was meant to create her own businesses and follow her inner guidance. This was such a rich interview with a ton of new ways to look at your relationship to money, abundance and manifesting. Here are some of the key take-aways:

  1. Kiva embodies what she calls a forehead stance on life by surrendering to something higher, which she calls Life. Say yes to what Life presents and learn to trust Life fully.

  2. The biggest lie we’ve been told is that we live in zero-sum game and a world of finite resources; if you have something I want, then I can’t have it. This is completely untrue and this belief is poisoning human consciousness. We must train ourselves to see the world through a new lense. There isn’t a fixed amount of resources. We live in an ever expanding universe where there’s more bio mass, green energy and new life every year. In the end, nature always wins.

  3. You can’t have an abundance consciousness and have fear at the same time. It’s about embodying a state of being that knows there are infinite resources. We must let go of what we were told.

  4. We are plugged into the natural abundance of Life, which grows and dies, ebbs and flows. That is the nature of nature.

  5. When we have a programming of not enough, our ego collects evidence that this is true. The first step is just to notice this inner dialogue. Don’t try and change it, just get curious and ask ‘is this true’? 


Connect with Kiva Schuler


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Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how you can tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career, and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU

Here’s to your being your you-est you!


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