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Becoming Happy, Healthy & Whole With The Wellness Universe with Shari Alyse and Anna Pereira
The Wellness Universe (WU) is the world’s first, one-stop, online directory and resource center to support and promote whole-health and well-being on a global scale. This unprecedented platform connects World-Changers –industry leaders and entrepreneurs – online and through live events. WU provides members and the public with access to wellness resources and education, and guidance in strategic development to transform visions of service into thriving businesses. There are currently over 2,600 members practicing within 7 areas of wellness, attracting over 150k visitors each month, with a collective members’ social reach of over 40 million followers. We believe that in connecting one another in the pursuit of whole health and well-being, personally and professionally, this causes a ripple effect that will ultimately inspire peace globally.
‘You are the center of the universe. You are a star shining bright. My hope and mission is for you to shine as brilliantly as you were meant to. Together, basking in the light of each
other, we all shine brighter.’ – Anna Pereira
This describes her mission. It is to bring out the best in you! Anna has been a creative entrepreneur with a strong attachment to spirituality nearly her entire life. She calls herself an ‘evolutionary catalyst’ to raise awareness and create positive change. Her background includes her own artistically based businesses in fashion and accessories handmade and manufactured, and corporate experience as head of a multimillion dollar division for a manufacturer of pet products.
As a motivational public figure, her inspirational posts are known worldwide. Through her Facebook page Circles of Inspiration by Anna Pereira, she has helped the lives of over 800K. Shari Alyse is the Co-Founder of The Wellness Universe, an online community and platform of wellness providers and the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) of Soul Ventures, Inc., a company focused on being a catalyst for positive change on the planet.
Shari Alyse is presently working on several other world-changing projects with partner, Anna Pereira, CEO of Soul Ventures, Inc. In addition to building and running, The Wellness Universe, she is also passionate about sharing her messages of self-empowerment, self-acceptance, and joy as an International Speaker, Author, and video blogger.
- Twitter: @thewellnessuniv
- Facebook: Facebook.com/WellnessUniverse
- Instagram: @TheWellnessUniv
- Website: Thewellnessuniverse.com
- Special offer: If you are on a mission to better the world, we would love for you to apply to be a WU World-Changer. If you are seeking healing, support, resources and genuine connection to a wellness community, we invite you to register as a WU Friend. TheWellnessUniverse.com
Here’s to your being your you-est you!
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- Amazon #1 Best selling book Get a PhD in YOU
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