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How To Tap Into Your Spiritual Power with Julie Reisler
Meet Julie Reisler
Julie Reisler is an interior designer for your soul. Julie is a certified master life coach with over ten years of coaching experience and a master’s degree in health & wellness coaching from Maryland University of Integrative Health. Julie is the founder of the Life Designer Coach Academy, a certification for life coaches, and a professor at Georgetown University. She is the host and founder of the You-est You Podcast, which is now in over 175 countries, and the author of Get a PhD in YOU, an Amazon top-pick. Julie is featured in Forbes magazine, MindBodyGreen, Bustle, The Chopra Center, and Thrive Global. She is also a prominent teacher, course creator, and guide on the popular app, Insight Timer.
How To Channel Your Spiritual Gifts
Here’s the thing, whether or not you’re aware of it, you are always channeling something. Remember, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Think of yourself as a radio station with a dial. The question really is, from what frequency or radio station are you channeling? If you want to channel your spiritual gifts and experience more joy and freedom, you must start tuning your inner frequency and radio dial to the emotional state of joy and freedom. We can’t emit what we don’t feel. Emotions are our guidance and will always tell you where you vibrate and what radio station you’re tuned into. If you want to channel wisdom from the higher realms of greater intelligence and love, you’ll want to focus your energy on experiencing this kind of unconditional love for yourself and learn to quiet your mind. It all comes down to how you feel and how you prioritize how you feel, as well as having a peaceful mind. I’ve discussed this in many of my past interviews with experts like Alan Cohen, Neale Donald Walsh, Marci Shimoff, and Matt Kahn. You might ask yourself how you prioritize self-care and spiritual connection (in whatever way that resonates for you) and ways to increase time for quiet reflection, mindfulness, and being heart-centered with yourself.
The Powerful Study That Proves Spiritual Connection
I shared a story in the second year of my graduate program at Maryland University of Integrative Health, where my professor conducted a study that is still glowing my mind. After we came back from our lunch break, she had us taste red and orange peppers from two different plates. They looked the same but tasted quite different. The first plate, labeled A, tasted bitter and sour. The second plate, labeled B, tasted sweet and delicious. When asked why we thought there was such a difference, students shouted out all kinds of answers. “The second plate are organic peppers,” “The sweeter peppers are from a local farm,” and “The sour peppers are GMO from a standard grocery store.” Our teacher answered ‘no’ to every possible reason, which stumped my classmates and me. Then she pulled up a slide that forever changed my life. She shared Dr. Masaru Emoto’s studies and findings from his book, ‘Hidden Messages From Water’. Dr. Emoto spent years studying the implications of consciousness on the molecular structure of water. In short, he proved that the molecules change in water depending on your energy, consciousness, and way of speaking to the water. When he yelled and screamed profanity at the water, he could see after studying the frozen sample that it looked like jagged edges. However, when he was loving, kind, and encouraging to the water, he saw under the microscope how the water sample looked like a snowflake or beautiful symmetrical pattern. Our professor had done something similar. She had yelled and screamed at one plate of peppers (sample A) and had lovingly and kindly spoken to the other plate of peppers (sample B). Without knowing any of this beforehand, every single one of us could taste the difference between her angry versus loving words. We had experienced what Dr. Emoto showed throughout his water studies. If you think this sounds too ‘Woo-Woo’, go read the book ‘Hidden Messages of Water’ or google Dr. Emoto’s work. It will glow your mind too.
How Spirituality Can Heal The World
Spirituality is the connection to all things and the realization of our oneness. It transcends religion, race, sexual orientation, and gender. Spirituality is the golden thread that links every living being (human, animal, plant) together regardless of views, beliefs, or life experiences. When you remember and connect to the interconnectedness and unique divine aspect of yourself (and everyone), you can change your life view from fear and disconnection to appreciation, forgiveness, love, and kindness. As each of us aims to heal our own mind of fear and lack and reclaim our divine birthright of goodness and light, we connect more deeply to our higher self, or the soul self, that is always with you in the past, present, and future, guiding you to what’s for your best. This spiritual connection to your higher self allows you to become your ‘You-est You’. Imagine a world full of human beings living and acting from a deeper spiritual connectedness about compassion, understanding, love, hope, and what is possible in healing. We all have the ability to start this healing right now, and it starts with you and me.
Why You Should Get A Spiritual Coaching Certification
I didn’t realize it, but when I worked with a coach years ago who helped me change my life trajectory, I not only transformed my thoughts and beliefs, but also my connection to God. This profound spiritual experience was just the beginning of what would continue to grow through the modality of coaching. I have seen firsthand the inherent power of coaching and how this career is truly about helping people to connect to their divinity and higher self. When trained properly, you’ll learn how to quickly see others’ gifts, skills, and strengths without even intending to. The biggest gift in getting a spiritual coaching certification is the transformation of your relationship with yourself. Suppose you’re on the fence or have considered getting a coaching certification to learn the modality and framework and to heal your relationship with yourself. In that case, I encourage you to throw your hat over the fence and go for it. You’ll never be the same person again, and your future self will thank you. Doors are open until March 10th, and you can enroll now at juliereisler.com/certification.
Looking To Help Others Know Who They Are and Design Their Best Life?
If you feel the urge to help other big-hearted individuals get unstuck, connect to their ‘You-est You’, and design their best life, you’ve got to check out my Life Designer Coach Academy. This world-class four-month virtual live coach certification program will give you proven tools, techniques, practices, and methodology to be a powerful coach. This spiritual life coaching certification program is for aspiring and current coaches looking to fill in the missing pieces and gain confidence and mastery in the coaching core competencies and the integrative wellness modalities from a mind-body science, positive psychology, and healing arts perspective. To learn more, go to juliereisler.com/certification.
You-est You Intention Cards
Want your own powerful deck of 33 You-est You Intention Cards? These cards were channeled by Julie. Each card has an empowering intention and deeper questions to ask your ‘You-est You’ for greater self-awareness, higher consciousness, and spiritual growth. You can get them now at juliereisler.com/shop.
Sacred Connection
As always, this community is a sacred, safe place built on love and acceptance. It was created to help you evolve and expand into your highest self. Please share your wisdom, comments, and thoughts. I love hearing from you and learning how you are living as your truest, you-est you. Please join us in our Facebook group: The You-est You Podcast Community.
Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how to tap into your best self and become your You-est You to achieve inner peace, happiness, and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU.
Here’s to your being your you-est you!
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*Share what you are struggling with or looking to transform with Julie at team@juliereisler.com. Julie would love to start covering topics of the highest interest to YOU.
You-est You Links:
- Subscribe to the Podcast
- Learn more at JulieReisler.com
- Become a certified Life Coach in Julie’s Life Designer Coach Academy certification program
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- Book Julie as a speaker at your upcoming event
- Amazon #1 Best selling book Get a PhD in YOU
- Download free guided-meditations from Insight Timer
- Julie’s Hungry For More Online Program (10 Module Interactive Course)
- 15 Days Of Gratitude To Change Your Life on Insight Timer