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If you’re not failing, you’re not growing with Katie Sampayo

Author of the #1 bestselling book, Eat to Thrive: The Anti-Diet Cookbook, Fitness & Nutrition Expert and world traveler shares about her mission to positively impact millions of lives with healthier lifestyles and to live fearlessly. It’s not about not having fear. It’s about taking it on and going for it anyhow. Learn tips, tricks and strategies to move through big fears and why failure is actually crucial to growth. Katie shares how she’s ditching fear, her posessions and life in the US to travel abroad for a full year to explore, hold workshops all over the planet and make a positive impact on the health of others.

Connect with Katie Sampayo

Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how you can tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career, and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU

Here’s to your being your you-est you!

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