Want to get on our podcasts?

We are looking for entrepreneurs, thought leaders and incredible human beings that LOVE to share their message about being their ‘you-est you’ and are passionate about their content. If you have experiences that you want to share, consider yourself well spoken, and have a message you want to bring to the world, fill out the form below.

Great candidates include authors with newly released books, professional speakers, entrepreneurs, thought influencers, start ups with generous experience, and of course, those with magical powers.

A few requirements before you fill out the form below:

1. Subscribe to The You-est YOU™ Podcast on iTunes

2. Give the show a 5-Star review and provide a screenshot of your review in the form below.

3. You must have a professional microphone and headphones. No exceptions. You can purchase them for about $40. No cell phones or ear bud mics, please.

4. Once the show airs, we need to know that you agree to help to promote the episode.

If you are aligned with these steps, click the button below to complete the form and we will get in touch with you soon to schedule an interview!