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5 Ways to Increase Your Self-Worth with Julie Reisler

Meet Julie Reisler

Julie Reisler is a mentor and master life coach with over ten years of coaching experience and a master’s degree in health & wellness coaching from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. Julie is the founder of the Life Designer Coach Academy, a coach mastery training certification program, host and founder of the You-est You® Podcast, which is now in over 175 countries with 300+ episodes, and author of Get a PhD in YOU. Julie has been featured in Forbes magazine, MindBodyGreen, The Chopra Center, and Thrive Global. She is also a prominent teacher, course creator, and guide on the popular app Insight Timer and is on the faculty at Georgetown University in their graduate coaching program. Make sure you take Julie’s Free Intuition Test to find your exact intuitive type and superpowers to manifest your dream life at juliereisler.com/freequiz. To learn more about Julie and how she might support you on your You-est You® journey, go to juliereisler.com.


Your Self-Worth Is Not Negotiable

This topic is near and dear to my heart. I struggled for years with a sense that I wasn’t enough. I felt a lack of self-worth that affected all aspects of my life, including my body image and the way I saw myself. I’m here first off to remind you that your self-worth has nothing to do with what you do or your achievements. You are worthy because you are born. All of us are. You’re inherently worthy. Period.


5 Ways To Increase Your Self-Worth

Now that we’ve got that straight, I want to share with you the five ways I’ve found to help increase your self-worth. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. 

1. Say No More Often

Yes, you heard me right. It might sound counterintuitive but say no more often! By learning to speak up for yourself, saying no and getting out of the people-pleasing rut, you’re learning to feel ok saying no. When you say no, you allow yourself to make room for what is a full yes. This builds self-efficacy!

2. Be Impeccable with Your Words

Be mindful and impeccable with your words. As Don Miguel Ruiz shares in his book (one of my absolute faves), The Four Agreements, you must be impeccable with your word. Here’s the catch, be impeccable with the words you use towards and with yourself. Start to recognize, track and watch what you say to yourself. Watch what you say to others as well, and build real integrity with your words and actions. This builds confidence and self-worth.

3. Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself is a practice that will allow you to release shame, guilt, regret, and feelings of ‘not good enough’. Write a list of resentments you have with and towards yourself. Look at them as an observer and go deeper to see what was under each resentment and fear. Write about that fear and have compassion for yourself. You can’t change the past, but you can change the present, which will change your future. This is not only helpful for building your worthiness but also healing for your mind and body.

4. Focus on Your Strengths

Focus on your strengths rather than where you’re falling short. It’s so easy (thank you, ‘negative bias’) to feel like you’re always coming up short, missing out, and comparing yourself to others. Rather than focusing on what’s not working, aim your attention on your strengths. Write a list of your strengths. For example, some of your top strengths are creativity, empathy, kindness, writing, deep listening, and open-mindedness. Create a practice before the end of each day where you look at how you tapped into your strengths. What you focus on will expand and make you feel more and more self-worth.

5. Turn to a Higher Power

Don’t do your life alone. Take time every morning before answering texts and calls and checking your Instagram feed to connect to a source and power greater than yourself. Whether you call it the Divine Matrix, Infinite Intelligence, God, Goddess, The Universe, Source Energy, or Higher Power, find a way to anchor into this greater channel of wisdom, love, and light. I shared some practices I do to help me feel more connected to the Divine. Find what works for you and make this a mandatory practice. You will start to feel an increased sense of self-worth and a deeper relationship with Divine Order. 


The World Is A Mirror

Don’t forget that the world is a mirror reflecting what you see within yourself. As you strengthen your sense of self-worth, you’ll not only see this in others but it will be reflected back to you. The goal, of course, is not to need it reflected back by others but to cultivate this from within and with your Higher Power.



Final Thoughts

Here’s to your remembering your worthiness and increasing your sense of self-worth! Side note, if you would like 1:1 mentorship and support and accountability to help increase your self-worth, feel free to reach out and set up a time to chat. As a master life coach, helping you to feel more worthy and have more confidence is one of my favorite ways to be of service. You can learn more about my offerings and ways to connect at juliereisler.com/mentorship. 



Breakthrough Your Biggest Blocks with Julie Reisler

Do you desire to uncover your biggest block? To bust through it and set a clear path? All so you can stride forward in confidence and conquer your goals? Then booking a Breakthrough Session with Julie is just what you need. To learn more go to juliereisler.com/you-me


Looking To Help Others Know Who They Are and Design Their Best Life?

If you are feeling a strong urge to help other big-hearted empaths get unstuck and design their best life, you’ve got to check out my Life Designer Coach Academy. It is a world-class four-month virtual live coach certification program that will give you proven tools, techniques, practices, and methodology to be a powerful coach. This coaching program is for aspiring and current coaches looking to fill in the missing pieces and gain confidence and mastery both in the coaching core competencies and the integrative health modalities from a mind-body science, positive psychology, and healing arts perspective. To learn more, go to juliereisler.com/certification.



Discover Your Intuitive Superpower

Make sure you take Julie’s Free Intuition Test to discover your intuitive superpowers to be your You-est You® at juliereisler.com/freequiz. To learn more about Julie and how she might support you on your You-est You® journey, go to juliereisler.com. 


Sacred Connection

As always, this community is a sacred, safe place built on love and acceptance. It was created to help you evolve and expand into your highest self. Please share your wisdom, comments, thoughts. I love hearing from you and learning how you are being your truest, you-est you. Please join us in our Facebook group The You-est You® Community for Soul Seekers

Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how you can tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness, and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU

Here’s to your being your you-est you!


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*Share what you are struggling with or looking to transform with Julie at podcast@juliereisler.com. Julie would love to start covering topics of highest interest to YOU.

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