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Healing from Trauma with Judith Richards

Meet Judith Richards

Trauma Response Creator, Judith Richards, who was most recently in the documentary FACING FEAR,  is an extraordinary woman who suffered unspeakable abuse. This abuse, which started as a little girl, continued in various forms into her adulthood. Physical and psychological trauma was Judith’s normal. Time and time again, she found herself in a loop that kept repeating from one toxic situation to the next. It was not a good place to be, and it was not safe. Eventually, as a middle-aged adult, Judith managed to extract herself from the continued and repetitive abuse; however, she isolated herself as it was the safest option. But this wasn’t a life. The residual effects of Judith’s trauma plunged her into a horrendous mental state of extreme PTSD breakdown – living in hallucinations, flashbacks, and terror. She discovered that escaping from the abuse was one thing, but repairing and resolving the impacts of the trauma was an even greater challenge. Learning how to live with her trauma was never a viable option. She needed to resolve it. Piece by piece, Judith found a way to repair herself with what is now her leading trauma response process, known as TRTP.

Rewiring Your Subconscious

Here’s the thing most of us don’t realize – our conscious mind only accounts for 5% of our life, whereas our unconscious mind runs everything else. We pick up beliefs about ourselves early on in our life, starting from birth until 8 years or so. So, if you grew up feeling that it wasn’t safe to be seen or heard, you will continue to develop an unconscious belief that it’s not safe to be visible (which is especially a tough one for those wanting to make a bigger impact in the world). We take on our negative core beliefs, which become the foundation for our beliefs and actions. We thus manifest what our unconscious believes. Judith shares how she changed her unconscious mind, which then changed her life and allowed her to keep past traumas in the past.

Overcoming Trauma

Trauma, or distress (a similar term for trauma that can cause less of an emotional response), as Judith discussed, is stored in our body. Distress is an event where your amygdala is triggered (the emotional center of the brain), and hormones like the underlying root fear behind trauma, be it anxiety or depression, is that you are not safe. The problem is that when your body is constantly stressed, staying in the fight-flight or freeze state, your nervous system stops regulating, and it feels like past traumas are happening in the present. You continue to emit cortisol and adrenaline, and your body keeps reliving this high state of alert and feeling unsafe.

The Power of Choice

One of the most important aspects of healing trauma is taking back your personal agency and reclaiming your power of choice. Judith demonstrates this brilliantly in the film, Facing Fear, and we discussed how crucial it is to fully embody and embrace your choice to know that you’re safe and that you deserve to heal. One of the ways to do this is to use power statements around choice that aren’t just affirmations but are commitments to yourself with intense emotion. Here are a few examples of what you might say:

I get to choose.

I choose to know that it’s now safe for me.

I choose this in every cell of my body and in my being.

I choose to deserve to be treated with care and respect.

I choose this because I can.

I am enough.

I vow to love me.

Facing Fear

Judith was recently in the film, Facing Fear by filmmaker Bill Bennett, addressing universal questions about whether we need fear and what it’s for. Bill had received devastating personal news, which catapulted him into fear. Then, as the pandemic hit, fear turned global. Bennett traveled the globe to seek answers in this extraordinary examination of fear. Experts such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, James Van Praagh, Sister Jenna, Lee Carroll, Paul Selig, Foster Gamble, Michael Tamura, and many more shared their wisdom about fear. You can learn more about this film and how to view it at facingfearmovie.com.

To learn more about Judith and her work, go to trtptherapy.com.

Looking To Help Others Know Who They Are and Design Their Best Life?

If you are feeling a strong urge to help other big-hearted empaths get unstuck and design their best life, you’ve got to check out my Life Designer Coach Academy. This world-class four-month virtual live coach certification program will give you proven tools, techniques, practices, and methodology to be a powerful coach. This coaching program is for aspiring and current coaches looking to fill in the missing pieces and gain confidence and mastery both in the coaching core competencies and the integrative health modalities from a mind-body science, positive psychology, and healing arts perspective. To learn more, go to lifedesignercoachacademy.com.


You-est You Intention Cards

Want your own powerful deck of 33 You-est You Intention Cards? These cards were channeled by Julie. Each card has an empowering intention and deeper questions to ask your ‘You-est You’ for greater self-awareness, higher consciousness and spiritual growth. You can get them now at juliereisler.com/shop.

Sacred Connection

As always, this community is a sacred, safe place built on love and acceptance. It was created to help you evolve and expand into your highest self. Please share your wisdom, comments, and thoughts. I love hearing from you and learning how you are being your truest, you-est you. Please join us in our Facebook group: The You-est You® Podcast Community.


Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how you can tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness, and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU


Here’s to your being your you-est you!


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*Share what you are struggling with or looking to transform with Julie at team@juliereisler.com. Julie would love to start covering topics of highest interest to YOU.


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