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Transformational Healing with Dr. Alex Golden and Megan Blacksmith

Meet Dr. Alex Golden & Megan Blacksmith

Dr. Alex Golden (M.D.) and Megan Blacksmith (Health Coach & Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and graduate of Chris Kresser’s ADAPT Practitioner training) of Zesty Ginger help women optimize brain function and hormone health by teaching women to use the power of their thoughts and beliefs as well as the phases of their menstrual cycles to their advantage. The natural ebb and flow that happens to our hormones, organ systems and bodies overall as women is there to renew and strengthen us. When we work with the natural cycles of our bodies, we allow ourselves to heal and recover on a level that few of us ever reach when we operate within the “rules” of the hectic modern world. In the Zesty Ginger duo of Megan and Dr. Alex, Megan focuses on the power of our thoughts, beliefs, energy, and frequency in a health journey. They are the founders of Healthy Hormones Group Program, Health Transformation Accelerator, Flight or Flight Fix, and co-host of the 4 Phase Cycle Podcast.


There Is Not One Right Path For Everyone

Both Dr. Alex Golden and Megan Blacksmith shared their rock bottom health experience. They tried everything in the medical system, including testing and numerous medicines, pills, and visits that led to feeling even more hopeless. Each came back hearing that they were ‘fine’ and that there was nothing else to do because their testing showed no health issues. In this experience of feeling frustrated and misunderstood, they each changed course in their lives to study and learn how our bodies are so much more than the physical body we know. From an integrative approach, they each studied how the brain, our habits, and our beliefs have way more to do with health than we understand. Dr. Alex Golden went back to medical school. Megan Blacksmith pursued functional medicine and nutritional healing. Much of what they teach is to trust your inner wisdom, know that you can shift your beliefs and physical, emotional and mental state and that there is no one right or same path for everyone. Their goal was to create transformational healing for all who desired it.


The Powerful World of Transformational Healing

This model of transformational healing looks at the body as a whole system and includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Can I get a hallelujah for that? Much of what we forget to address is the crucial aspect of our beliefs and habits. Both women talked about being told that their cases wouldn’t get better. If they believed those mandates, they wouldn’t have healed. It often becomes a choice whether to listen to a doctor or your internal voice. Much of what’s important to understand is that the brain is highly involved with getting better and healing. Most of us are doing anything we can to feel better, especially if we’ve been sick for a while or struggled with a situation like Dr. Alex, who had endometriosis or horrible cramping. You need to be in a healing mode, which means new ways of thinking, beliefs, and habits. Our emotions and thoughts affect and communicate with our Central Nervous System (CNS). Because our brain is always looking to be most effiicent, it will stay on autopilot and remember your habit pattern of thought and emotion. Different thoughts can change the chemical messages in your brain. While it’s important to change habits around sleeping, eating and movement, it’s even more important to change your thought pattern. Changes in thoughts change your brain chemistry, which changes everything. 


Habits, Hormones, and Your Brain

To be receptive to change habits and your brain, you need to be coming from your parasympathetic system (rest and digest) rather than your sympathetic nervous system (fight and flight). The sympathetic nervous system is what gets triggered when we’re in a state of stress. It’s also essential to understand the HPA axis; this is the connection and chain reaction from your Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, and Adrenals. Most don’t realize that the hypothalamus, a region in the forebrain, controls hunger, thirst and determines what is in the bloodstream. It decides whether you’ll sleep well, lose weight, have great skin, or whatever it is you believe. To make real change and have a transformation, you’ve got to understand how vital your habits and beliefs are. Some of the steps to making a change are getting clear on your goal, getting your body into a parasympathetic state, finding old beliefs that don’t serve you and releasing and installing new ones—then making an empowered decision to change and making sure your actions align with who you are becoming. Most importantly, watch your thoughts and beliefs to ensure they best support your intended state and outcome.  


Three Tips and Techniques to Heal and Thrive

Dr. Alex Golden shared three powerful tips that you can use for your physical, mental, and emotional body for greater healing and calm.

The Physical Body: 

It’s important to activate the vagus nerve, connected to many bodily functions like digestion, processing emotions, stress, etc. One simple way to activate your vagus nerve is to thump your hand on your chest bone for at least a repetition of 20 times. Try this until you feel a resonance. Other practical ways to do this are singing, humming, and gargling.

The Mental Body:

  • Try this ‘Standing in the Eye of the Storm’ technique where you imagine yourself in the center of a big storm.
  • Pull in your energy, create space and stay connected to your own self.
  • Imagine your staying calm and collected in the storm.

The Emotional Body: 

Try the ‘White Light Shower’. This is all about connecting to unconditional love. Imagine a beautiful white light from above entering at the top of your head, moving down to your feet. Allow your emotions, any that are there, to flow with the light to the bottom of your feet and imagine these emotions, along with the light, being recycled into the earth.  

To learn more and try their Transformation workshop, go to or on Instagram: @zesty_ginger


Final Thoughts

Dr. Alex Golden and Megan Blacksmith help us see that if you want transformational healing in your life, you have to see there is more to it than medicine. You have to look at the bigger picture. View yourself as a complete entity (which you are) and address your needs on this higher level than treating just your physical symptoms. That is where you will find true transformational healing. 


Looking To Help Others Know Who They Are and Design Their Best Life?

If you are feeling a strong urge to help other big-hearted empaths get unstuck and design their best life, you’ve got to check out my Life Designer Coach Academy. It is a world-class four-month virtual live coach certification program that will give you proven tools, techniques, practices, and methodology to be a powerful coach. This coaching program is for aspiring and current coaches looking to fill in the missing pieces and gain confidence and mastery both in the coaching core competencies and the integrative health modalities from a mind-body science, positive psychology, and healing arts perspective. To learn more, go to

Connect with Dr. Alex Golden & Megan Blacksmith

Sacred Connection

As always, this community is a sacred, safe place built on love and acceptance. It was created to help you evolve and expand into your highest self. Please share your wisdom, comments, and thoughts. I love hearing from you and learning how you are being your truest, you-est you. Please join us in our Facebook group The You-est You® Community for Soul Seekers

Join host Julie Reisler, author and multi-time TEDx speaker, each week to learn how you can tap into your best self and become your You-est You® to achieve inner peace, happiness, and success at a deeper level! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders, and extraordinary human beings that will help to transform your life. Julie also shares a-ha moments that have shaped her life and career and discusses key concepts from her book Get a PhD in YOU

Here’s to your being your you-est you!


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