By Deeply Connecting with Others,
We Flourish—Personally & Spiritually!

A POWERFUL VIRTUAL COMMUNITY Supporting Your Spiritual Journey!

It’s time to nurture your soul and step into your true power. The Sanctuary isn’t just another program; it’s a sacred space where lightworkers, conscious coaches, and spiritual seekers come together to grow and thrive. Within this high-vibrational community, you’ll receive bi-weekly support, monthly intuitive guidance, and transformative spiritual tools that elevate your journey. If you’re ready to become the confident, intuitive, and impactful lightworker you’re meant to be, The Sanctuary is your home. Join us today and start your journey to spiritual abundance and connectedness.

Julie brings a magical energy to this program that just can’t be described in words! This experience and coaching work have been life-changing as they have transformed me from the inside out and given me the groundwork to build a business based on my true life’s purpose. I’ve learned how to become the candle that can light up thousands of other candles, and now have the tools, skill set, and confidence to help others design their best lives.

Kirsten Schiff, Life Designer® Coach 

Your Membership Gives You:

Twice Monthly Live Calls with me…

Bring your business and life questions and concerns for personalized intuitive guidance and coaching.

Get intuitive coaching and spiritual support to help you on your career path.

Sharpen your intuitive abilities for greater confidence and clarity, and spiritual connection to apply in your career, relationships and life.

Become more magnetic by learning to raise your vibration and naturally attract soul-fit clients, and create meaningful, impactful connections.

Experience Sacred Spiritual Growth:

The Practical Path: Learn actionable spiritual tools and practices to manifest your dreams.
The Inner Path: Dive deep into self-discovery, intuition, and psychological growth.
The Higher Path: Connect with your higher self and spiritual purpose.
The Embodied Path: Explore your energy and the profound mind-body-spirit connection.

Join Us on Zoom: We meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Engage in meaningful, high-vibrational conversations from the comfort of your home. Calls are at 3 pm EST/ 12 pm PST

Everything that’s included:

Take Refuge: Two Monthly Live Sessions

We will meet twice each month: once at the beginning of the month for Julie’s Intuitive Guidance session and again in the middle of the month to learn, practice, discuss, and share spiritual tools, practices, and guidance to help you truly be an intuitively guided Lightworker and your ‘You-est You.’

Cosmic Guidance: Private Intuitive Readings with Julie

At the beginning of each month, join Julie for an exclusive divinely guided reading about the energy and cosmic wisdom for that month that happens only in The Sanctuary. She’ll tap into the wisdom of oracle cards, collective energy, your chakras, astrology, and her intuition for spirit-led messages geared towards the community and at times, specific individuals.

Magical Encounters: Surprise Guest Speakers

Julie will bring pop-up guest experts (some from The You-est You® podcast) in adjacent spiritual, wellness, and energy healing fields to share resources and teach transformative techniques to elevate your intuition and psychic abilities, shift your mindset, develop your manifesting abilities, and increase your spiritual connection.

An Oasis: Sacred Community

Connect, mastermind, and meet up with other Lightworkers on a similar path with a heart-led purpose. This community follows a sacred oath of kindness to all, comes from love, and ‘do no harm’ as its basis.

Bonus Library of Sacred Resources

You will receive access to Julie’s most powerful meditations about manifestation, self-love, energy healing, and chakra alignment, and Julie’s course Sacred Money, which is all about transforming your relationship with money, abundance and raising your prosperity quotient.

In The Sanctuary, you’ll get:

A Spiritual Toolbox

Grow your spiritual toolbox with new intuitive and mystical teachings and techniques. These come from a myriad of energy healing and manifestation practices, spiritual scientific teachings from varying origins, and lessons from A Course In Miracles.

Monthly Intuitive Guidance

Every month, Julie will tap into your energy and her higher divine guidance to share messages and wisdom for greater expansion, heart-opening, manifestation, spirituality, healing, human consciousness, and heart intelligence.

Luminary Guest Speakers

Enjoy pop-up guest speakers who are thought leaders, visionaries, and changemakers in the fields of spirituality, consciousness, healing, intuition and mediumship, positive psychology, human design and astrology, neuroanatomy, manifestation, and heart intelligence.

Cosmic Connection

Connect on a cosmic and deep level with Lightworkers from all over the globe eager to make a bigger impact, spread more light, manifest and live from the heart (not the ego), awaken to greater potential, and expand in consciousness.

Miraculous Manifestation

Raise your abundance thermostat, practice a miraculous mindset with other Lightworkers, and learn how to release blocks to greater receiving in this magical and high-vibe community. Your future self (and all those you’re here to serve) will thank you.

Also included:

15 Days of Gratitude To Change Your Life Course

Shift to a gratitude mindset in just 15 days with easy and accessible daily practices.

The Sacredology® Vault

Carefully curated and crafted sacred resources
for spiritually oriented coaches, creatives, and healers

Sacred Money Manifestation Course

Learn the spiritual tools to change your money manifestation mindset and feel comfortable receiving and making money in your career and life.

Miracle Mindset & Hypnosis Tracks

Ready to become a miracle manifesting Queen? Get access to Julie’s top 5 favorite mindset meditation and hypnosis tracks recorded for you to listen to as often as needed to help release old beliefs, stories, and thoughts of fear, lack, and scarcity around prosperity, abundance, and making money.

DECLARE Mini-Course

Learn how to implement the DECLARE framework to set intentions, declare, and manifest your greatest desires.

Julie, you’re a beautiful light, and I know everybody feels it! I love talking to people like you who absolutely get this spirit connection.

Suzanne Giesemann, Best-selling author of 9 books and renowned medium.

Here’s my invitation for your ‘You-est You!’

Is this you?


You’re a conscious coach, lightworker, or spiritual seeker with a soul purpose to make a bigger impact and serve humanity while learning how to trust your intuition to guide you to greater ease, flow, abundance, and confidence.

You often feel like you don’t belong or fit in any kind of box or label and your soul is seeking others also committed to a spiritual path of greater light, love, and connectedness.

You will love this woman. Julie is incredibly insightful and courageous. She goes deep and wide and real with pleasure as a priority in a woman’s life, especially right now.

Regena Thomashauer, a.k.a. Mama Gena,
Founder of the School of Womanly Arts, Best-selling Author, Media Personality



A spiritual oasis to refuel, rejuvenate, and renew your commitment to your purpose, passion and light work.

A special place where you feel at home and belong to a greater sacred community of Lightworkers eager to shine, serve, and support you at the deepest level.

A refuge that gives you the spiritual tools, intuitive guidance, and mystical experience your soul has been craving.

The Sanctuary Starts in July.

I chose the master angel vibration of 111 because it symbolizes opportunity,
good luck, and soulful achievement.



You are a change-maker and a light leader. You are meant to shine your light! If you stay isolated in your self-defeating thoughts, they will eventually become your reality.

The best way to manifest and magnetize what you desire, is to be in a sacred community of others on the same path. I’ve seen these miraculous shifts happen repeatedly in my sacred groups.


This is called Alchemy.

The Sanctuary is here to give you spiritual tools, mystical teachings, and intuition practices to support you fully as a conscious coach, Lightworker or spiritual seeker in all areas of your life.

The Sanctuary Membership is now open.

The Sanctuary Starts in July!

We will meet for 60 minutes on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 3 pm ET.

I chose the master angel vibration of 111 because it symbolizes opportunity,
good luck, and soulful achievement.


“Julie, you are a hub for this community, and I’m happy to honor our community by talking about real and relevant things. I trust you implicitly, and I want to thank you for the work you do and for making the time and energy to have deep, meaningful, spiritual conversations.”

“You are doing such meaningful and powerful work in the world!”

“Thank you, Julie, for bringing more love and light to this planet and for being so brave and willing to channel instead of hosting on your podcast.”

“I adore you, Julie. We need more people like you who are loving, bright, conscious, value-driven, generous, and open-hearted.”

“Julie is a real leader of light and a bright star on the planet.”

The Sanctuary is your virtual spiritual home – it is a sacred space of learning, transforming, connecting, mysticism, spirituality, healing, upliftment, and love. Immersing yourself in this kind of high-vibrational support, love, and guidance gives you the spiritual nourishment and tools to grow your business, start a new career, move to a new city, and ultimately be your ‘You-est You.’

Learn how to finally let go of self-doubt, struggle, and fear to stay receptive to your higher guidance and heart’s greatest purpose — whether as a conscious coach, spiritual seeker, healer, or soulful entrepreneur.

The Sanctuary will help you stay plugged in, accountable, connected, and aligned with your purpose and passion. The Sanctuary is a spiritual playground where your lightwork becomes your play and passion.

“If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”

– African Proverb

is like being at Hogwarts with your favorite magical wand & friends.

I got so much more in this program than just learning the art of coaching, including a much deeper understanding of myself and others, a support network that I cherish, and a skill set that will get me through any aspect of life.

My goal in moving into my next career was to help others design their best life. Julie’s Life Designer® course was the perfect program and catalyst to help me realize that coaching is the answer. I got so much more in this program than just learning the art of coaching, including a much deeper understanding of myself and others, a support network of fellow coaches that I cherish, and a skill set that will get me through any aspect of life.

Kathy O’Neill, Life Designer® Coach and Executive Producer 

This program and coaching work has been life-changing for me as it has transformed me from the inside out. 

This program and coaching work has been life-changing for me as it has transformed me from the inside out and given me the groundwork to build a business based on my true life’s purpose. I’ve learned how to become the candle that is able to light up thousands of other candles, and now have the tools, skill set, and confidence to help others design their best life.

Stephanie Ogden, Life Designer® Coach 

Julie is the real deal, and the value she provides is incomparable! Through Julie, I have had a few major epiphanies that continue to impact me and my life!

I enthusiastically endorse Julie Reisler’s businesses and communities!!! She is the real deal and runs her business with a deep sense of authenticity and genuine caring. She is kind and giving of herself, her knowledge, wisdom, and time. Through Julie, I have had a few major epiphanies that have greatly impacted me and my life. Without her assistance, I would likely still be banging about in these areas where I had been so stuck. As humans, we tend to be myopic about our own issues, and it is so helpful to have someone like Julie share her spiritually-led insights. Her assistance has helped me visualize how someone has effectively merged strong business sense and abilities with kindness, positivity, and spirituality. Working with Julie has helped me see how to fuse those parts of myself for a stronger whole self in my personal and professional life. When you join a group with Julie, there is true value there. Julie keeps all the elements of her business transparent, and none of the questionable business practices abound on the web, especially with many other “spiritually based” groups. The value she provides is incomparable!

Stacie Zuliani 

The Sanctuary Starts in July.

I chose the master angel vibration of 111 because it symbolizes opportunity,
good luck, and soulful achievement.



You will not be the same person who signs up for this sacred membership program. Energy is contagious, and a rising tide lifts all boats.

The Sanctuary is a high vibrational, uplifting, magnetic, and powerful transformative container to expand, grow, release, and manifest what your heart desires most (while making a greater impact in the world). While I hope you find this program incredibly valuable, you can cancel your monthly membership at any time.

You don’t just want life to be fine — you want life to be sacred, spiritual, and focused on service to bring more light to the world.


You love being your lightwork but don’t want to be married to your ‘to-do’ list and want more spaciousness to connect to the universe’s divine feminine and natural flow. (You’ll learn how here)


It’s time to turn on the light within yourself and every human you’re meant to serve. Here’s where you can learn to access your psychic spiritual gifts and flourish as you create the light legacy you always dreamed of.


Join The Sanctuary Membership today for $111 per month or $1,111 for the year (get 2 months free).

The Sanctuary Starts in July.

I chose the master angel vibration of 111 because it symbolizes opportunity,
good luck, and soulful achievement.


Julie Reisler is an intuitive guide, spiritual teacher, and transformation expert. Julie is a board-certified master life & wellness coach and was voted ‘Top 10 Most Influential Life Coaches in 2023’. She mentors thousands of conscious coaches, change-makers, and soulful entrepreneurs. Julie hosts The You-est You®️ podcast, a top global show in over 175 countries, and is the author of Get a PhD in YOU, an Amazon top-pick. Julie has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, The Chopra Center, Bustle, and Thrive Global for her work as a coach, teacher, and conscious business leader. Julie founded the Intuitive Life Designer®️ Coach Academy, a leading-edge certification program where she certifies spiritual life coaches worldwide. Julie is a multi-time TEDx speaker and has spoken on stages throughout North America.

Julie holds a master’s degree in Health and Wellness Coaching from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. She is a professor in the Health & Wellness Coaching program at Georgetown University. To learn more about Julie, go to